Product Details

How to be a Bush Pilot


$24.99 CAD

PLU: 16598


Listen. We know you're getting lucky. This is about getting luckiergetting more. Lots more.

More making out. More lip service to your man parts. More ohmygodImgonnacome. More.


Tucked between these covers are the secrets of babes brought to you by a babe herself. Imagine it. You are only pages away from having your name scrawled in lipstick across bathroom mirrors. From catching her friends staring reverently at you. From becoming the man Hef calls for advice.

It's simple. Remember that time when you were doing that thing and she said, "Do that thing again" and you said, "Let's take it to eleven"? Instructions enclosed. Or that time you thought to yourself, "What is she thinking?" Answered. And the g-spot? Chapter 14. Your million-dollar point? Revealed. And, most importantly, what the babe on the other end of the couch or the bar really wants? Declassified. Finally.

So, what's it gonna be? Robin or Batman? Gilligan or The Professor? Man or legend?

Choose legend. Get luckier. Be a Bush Pilot.